Bernd Kussmaul GmbH
Grunbacherstr. 55
71384 Weinstadt, Germany

Managing Director: Bernd Kußmaul

Phone: +49 7151 369010
Telefax: +49 7151 3690110


Registered Court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registration number: HRB 263642

Sales tax identification number according to § 27a VAT ID no.: De 188 975 608
Responsible for the content: Bernd Kußmaul (address above)


Terms and conditions

of Bernd Kußmaul GmbH

Stand: 2014

1 Scope of application

The following terms and conditions apply to all contracts which Bernd Kußmaul GmbH (hereinafter Kussmaul) with customers (hereinafter referred to as customers) – here Kussmaul as seller – or suppliers (hereinafter suppliers) – here Kussmaul as buyer – Completes.

2 Prices

The prices agreed upon at the conclusion of a longer-term supply contract with customers are valid ex works packaging only. The prices agreed upon at the conclusion of a long-term supply contract with suppliers are free Kussmaul including packaging.

3 Reservation of Title

Kussmaul behält sich das Eigentum an der an den Kunden gelieferten Ware bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung des Kaufpreises sowie bis zur Erfüllung aller zum Zeitpunkt der Lieferung bestehenden oder später entstehenden Forderungen von Kussmaul gegenüber dem Kunden vor. Der Kunde darf die Waren im Rahmen seines ordnungsgemäßen üblichen Geschäftsbetriebes veräußern, vermischen und oder verarbeiten. Der Eigentumsvorbehalt erstreckt sich alsdann im Verhältnis des Rechnungswertes der Ware von Kussmaul zu dem Rechnungswert des neuen Produkts auf das neue Produkt. Die Vermischung und oder Verarbeitung gilt als für Kussmaul erfolgt, ohne dass Kussmaul hieraus Verbindlichkeiten erwachsen. Soweit das Miteigentum an dem neuen Produkt nicht unmittelbar auf Kussmaul übergeht, tritt der Kunde den entsprechenden Miteigentumsanteil schon heute an Kussmaul ab. Der Kunde wird die Sache wegen des Miteigentumsanteils, der als Vorbehaltseigentum gilt, auch für Kussmaul verwahren.

Bei einer Veräußerung von Waren, die noch im Vorbehaltseigentum von Kussmaul stehen, wird bis zur Tilgung sämtlicher Forderungen schon jetzt der Teil der Gesamtforderung des Kunden gegenüber seinem Abnehmer an Kussmaul abgetreten, der dem Wertanteil des Eigentums oder Miteigentums von Kussmaul an den gesamten verkauften Waren entspricht. Von einer Pfändung oder sonstigen Beeinträchtigungen der Rechte von Kussmaul hat der Kunde unverzüglich zu informieren. Übersteigt der Wert der Sicherheiten, die Kussmaul eingeräumt wurden, deren Forderungen insgesamt um mehr als 20 %, so ist Kussmaul auf Verlangen des Kunden insoweit zur Rückübertragung verpflichtet; dabei steht Kussmaul ein Wahlrecht zu.

Im Verhältnis von Kussmaul zu Lieferanten gelten statt den vorstehenden Regelungen unter § 3 die gesetzlichen Regelungen.

4 Zahlungsbedingungen

The customers have payments to make free paying agency of Kussmaul. The legal regulations apply to suppliers.
Customers and suppliers can only offset such claims against Kussmaul, which are undisputed or legally determined.
Kussmaul invoiced at or immediately after delivery of the goods with “30 days net”. The customer shall be in arrears with the payment claim at the latest if he does not do so within 30 days of the due date and receipt of the invoice or equivalent payment statement. In relation to Kussmaul to suppliers, the legal regulations and two percent discount on payment by Kussmaul are valid within 10 days after receipt of the invoice.

5 Deadline for deliveries

In respect of the time limit for deliveries or services, the mutual written agreements shall prevail. Delivery dates mentioned by Kussmaul are subject to alteration unless Kussmaul expressly and in writing ensure a delivery date.
The preceding deadline is inhibited, so that the period is extended by the following periods:
From the date of the conclusion of the contract or the request by Kussmaul up to their receipt at Kussmaul:

A) All documents to be supplied by the customer,
b) All permits and approvals to be issued by the customer
c) vom Kunden zu erteilende Genehmigung/Klarstellung der Konstruktionspläne.
Insofar as the customer does not comply with the agreed payment terms and other obligations, Kussmaul is not bound to a delivery period.
Ist die Nichteinhaltung einer Lieferfrist seitens Kussmaul gegenüber einem Kunden auf Mobilmachung, Krieg, Aufruhr, Streik, Aussperrung, Betriebsstörungen, Schwierigkeiten bei der Beschaffung von Waren oder Energie, Unregelmäßigkeiten im Abladen der Waren, Behinderung von Arbeitskräften, behördliche Maßnahmen oder auf den Eintritt sonstiger unvorhersehbarer Hindernisse zurück zu führen, so wird die Frist angemessen verlängert und Kussmaul ist berechtigt zum Vertragsrücktritt, ohne dass dem Kunden deshalb irgendwelche Ansprüche zustehen. Dem Kunden steht ein Rücktrittsrecht in diesen Fällen erst zu, wenn die vereinbarte Lieferfrist bereits um mehr als vier Wochen überschritten ist. Vorher besteht das Rücktrittsrecht für den Kunden nur, wenn Kussmaul dem Kunden schriftlich mitgeteilt hat, dass die Lieferung durch Kussmaul nicht oder nicht mehr erbracht werden kann. Vorstehende Einschränkung gilt nicht bei Fixgeschäften. Gerät Kussmaul gegenüber dem Kunden mit der Lieferung in Verzug, so kann der Kunde vom Vertrag zurücktreten, wenn er Kussmaul eine angemessene Nachfrist von mindestens 14 Tagen gesetzt hat. Erklärt der Kunde nicht bereits in der Fristsetzung, ob er weiter auf Erfüllung besteht oder von seinem Rücktrittsrecht Gebrauch machen möchte und geht eine solche Erklärung auch nicht innerhalb einer weiteren Frist von 8 Tagen bei Kussmaul ein, ist Kussmaul seinerseits berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Soweit der Kunde Schadensersatz verlangt, ist dieser der Höhe nach auf den Betrag beschränkt, den der Kunde zusätzlich aufwenden muss, um gleichartige Ware in gleicher Menge zum Marktpreis von einem Dritten zu beziehen, es sei denn, der Kunde hat vor Vertragsschluss ausdrücklich und schriftlich darauf hingewiesen, dass bei verspätet oder nicht erfolgter Lieferung ein besonders hoher Schaden droht.
If the acceptance of partial deliveries is agreed between Kussmaul and the customer within a certain period of time, an approximately uniform distribution of the delivery shall apply as a condition. If the customer is not called up within one year of placing the order at the latest, Kussmauls obligation to deliver shall lapse. However, the customer remains obligated to the acceptance on Kussmauls demand. Kussmauls is not affected by the claim for compensation. More or less delivery of 10% of the ordered quantity is reserved for manufacturing technical reasons and does not represent a defect.
Wird der Versand oder die Zustellung auf Wunsch des Kunden verzögert, so steht Kussmaul das Recht zu, beginnend einen Monat nach Anzeige seiner Versandbereitschaft, gegenüber dem Kunden Lagergeld in Höhe von 0,5 % des Rechnungsbetrages für jeden angefangenen Monat zu berechnen. Das Lagergeld wird auf 5 % der vereinbarten Vergütung begrenzt, es sei denn, dass von Kussmaul höhere Kosten nachgewiesen werden.
In the ratio of Kussmaul to suppliers, the legal regulations apply in lieu of the aforementioned regulations under § 5.

6 Risk Bearing

The risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the goods/objects to be delivered shall be transferred to the customer, even if carriage-free deliveries have been agreed upon:
a) Wenn der Gegenstand/Gegenstände von Kussmaul zum Versand gebracht oder vom Kunden abgeholt worden ist. Die Verpackung erfolgt mit bester Sorgfalt. Der Versand erfolgt nach bestem Ermessen. Auf Wunsch und Kosten des Kunden wird die Sendung von Kussmaul gegen Bruch-, Transport- und Feuerschäden versichert. Die insoweit anfallenden Versicherungskosten hat der Kunde zu tragen.
b) If the dispatch or delivery is delayed at the request of the customer or at least for reasons for which he is responsible; In this case, the risk of accidental loss is transferred to the customer from the moment of the start of the delay – however, Kussmaul is obligated to effect the insurance required by him at the customer’s request and expense.
In the ratio of Kussmaul to suppliers, the legal regulations apply in lieu of the aforementioned regulations under § 6.

7 Reception

Items delivered by Kussmaul to the customer or to be picked up by the customer, even if they have insignificant defects, are to be withdrawn by the customer. Partial deliveries are permitted.

Im Verhältnis von Kussmaul zu Lieferanten gelten statt den vorstehenden Regelungen unter § 7 die gesetzlichen Regelungen.

8 Qualität, Gewährleistungen

The components to be supplied by Kussmaul have a medium type and quality to match. This quality has to be judged according to the customer’s drawings and specifications. Kussmaul ensures the necessary quality assurance. For defects, including the lack of warranted properties, Kussmaul is liable to customers as follows:

A) all those parts or services shall, at the choice of Kussmaul, be repaired or re-delivered free of charge, which can be demonstrably calculated within 12 months from the date of the transfer of risk as a result of a circumstance before the passing of risk, in particular be unusable due to faulty design, bad material or defective design or the usability of which has been significantly affected. The customer is responsible for the proof. The determination of such defects must be reported to Kussmaul immediately by the customer in writing. In addition, any warranty is excluded between Kussmaul and the customer.
b) Der Kunde hat die ihm obliegenden Vertragsverpflichtungen, insbesondere die vereinbarten Zahlungsbedingungen, gegenüber Kussmaul auch bei der Feststellung von Mängeln einzuhalten. Wenn eine Mängelrüge geltend gemacht wird, so kann der Kunde Zahlungen nur zurückhalten, wenn eine Mängelrüge geltend gemacht wird, über deren Berechtigung (wie vorstehend unter a)) kein Zweifel bestehen kann.
c) In order to rectify the defect, the customer has to grant to Kussmaul the time and opportunity required at reasonable discretion. If he refuses to do so, Kussmaul is exempt from the liability for defects.
d) If Kussmaul is allowed to pass a reasonable period of grace provided to him without remedying the defects, the customer may demand the cancellation of the contract (conversion) or reduction of the remuneration (reduction).
e) Das Recht des Kunden, Ansprüche aus Mängeln geltend zu machen, verjährt in allen Fällen vom Zeitpunkt der Rüge an in 12 Monaten. Wird innerhalb dieser Frist keine Einigung erzielt, so können Kussmaul und Kunde eine Verlängerung der Verjährungsfrist schriftlich vereinbaren.
f) Die Mängelhaftung bezieht sich nicht auf natürliche Abnutzung, ferner nicht auf Schäden, die nach dem Gefahrübergang in Folge fehlerhafter oder nachlässiger Behandlung, übermäßiger Beanspruchung oder solcher chemischer oder physikalischer Einflüsse entstehen, die nach dem Vertrag nicht vorausgesetzt sind.
h) The provisions of the warranty period do not apply, as far as the law requires mandatory longer periods. Sie läuft mindestens bis zum Ablauf der ursprünglichen Gewährleistungsfrist für den Liefergegenstand.
h) The provisions of the warranty period do not apply, as far as the law requires mandatory longer periods.
i) further claims of the customer against Kussmaul and its vicarious agents are excluded, in particular a claim for compensation of damages which have not been incurred on the delivery item itself (consequential damage). This does not apply if, in cases of intent, gross negligence or lack of warranted properties, liability is mandatory due to legal regulations.
j) The warranty liability of Kussmaul is limited to the extent that the defect has been caused by the customer’s intervention, in particular inadequate suggestions, advice or violation of other contractual obligations.
In the ratio of Kussmaul to suppliers, the legal regulations with the following supplement are valid instead of the aforementioned regulations under § 8:

In the event of the need for rectification, the supplier shall bear the internal costs incurred in Kussmaul for the examination of the lack of freedom. The internal costs are 75,-€ per working hour. Added to this are the usual and reasonable costs for machine and material use as well as other necessary tools.

9 Schadensersatz

Claims for damages from both suppliers and customers are excluded from Kussmaul, irrespective of the basis of the claim; The same applies to claims for compensation of futile expenses. In particular, Kussmaul is not liable for damage caused by the delivery item itself or for consequential damages of any kind. Likewise, Kussmaul is not liable for lost profits or other pecuniary losses of the customer/supplier.

The above disclaimer does not apply if Kussmaul intent or gross negligence can be accused. Kussmaul is only liable for simple negligence in the event of a breach of an obligation, the fulfilment of which allows the proper execution of the contract in the first place and on whose adherence the contractual partner may trust regularly.

Sofern Kussmaul einfach fahrlässig eine für die Erfüllung des Vertragszwecks wesentliche Pflicht verletzt, so ist die Haftung der Höhe nach beschränkt auf die bei vergleichbaren Geschäften dieser Art typischen Schäden, die bei Vertragsschluss oder spätestens bei Begehung der Pflichtverletzung vorhersehbar waren.

Vorstehende Haftungsausschlüsse und Haftungsbeschränkungen gelten auch zugunsten der Mitarbeiter von Kussmaul und sofern sich Kussmaul Erfüllungsgehilfen oder sonstiger Dritter zur Vertragserfüllung bedient.

Es gilt § 444 BGB. Schadensersatzansprüche wegen Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit sowie Ansprüche nach dem Produkthaftpflichtgesetz bleiben unberührt.

10 Legal venue and law

The place of jurisdiction for all disputes with both customers and suppliers is Stuttgart.

German law applies to contractual relations with both customers and suppliers.

11 Other provisions

Sollte eine der vorstehenden Bedingungen unwirksam oder undurchführbar sein, so berührt dies nicht die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen; unwirksame Bedingungen sind durch andere zu ersetzen, deren Rechtsfolgen dem von den Vertragspartnern verfolgten Zweck wirtschaftlich möglichst weitgehend entsprechen. Diese Regelungen gelten sinngemäß für den Fall der Undurchführbarkeit einer Bestimmung und der Feststellung einer Vertragslücke.


The official language of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale is German.

This translation is provided as a courtesy only.

General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Bernd Kussmaul GmbH

1) Pricing

The prices specified in long-term delivery contracts are ex works, and exclude crating, packing and packaging.

2) Title

Title to the goods shall remain vested in the Seller until the purchase price has been paid in full, and all obligations outstanding at the time of delivery or otherwise arising from this contract have been met.

3) Payment terms

  1. Payments shall be made net of any charges
  2. The Purchaser shall only be entitled to offset any amount owing to the Seller against any counter-claims that are uncontested or legally enforceable.
  3. The Seller shall invoice the Purchaser for goods delivered during a calendar month by the 10th day of the following month. Invoiced amounts are payable in full without deduction within two weeks.

4) Delivery times

  1. The timing of goods deliveries or services shall be determined by the written statements of both parties. However, in all cases, delivery dates are made without commitment or obligation on the part of the Seller unless the Seller has expressly guaranteed the delivery date in writing.
  2. a) Timely delivery in accordance with agreed dates and times is conditional on the Purchaser providing all required documents and permissions, promptly clarifying and approving design drawings, complying with the agreed terms and conditions of payment and fulfilling any other obligations.
  3. b) If these conditions are not met in a timely manner, the delivery date shall be extended accordingly.
  4. If the Seller is unable to deliver by the agreed delivery date due to mobilization, war, riots, industrial action, including strikes and lock-outs, or the occurrence of unforeseeable events, the delivery date shall be delayed accordingly.
  5. a) If the goods or services are not delivered by the agreed delivery date – for reasons other than those identified in sub-clause 2, and the Purchaser can make a prima facie case that it suffered damages arising from the delay, the Purchaser is entitled to claim compensation. This shall amount to 0.5 to five (5) percent of the value of the relevant elements of the delivery which prevented certain items from being manufactured and put into operation.
  6. b) The Purchaser may claim compensation if the delay caused by the circumstances identified in sub-clause 2 occurs after the original delivery date has passed.
  7. c) The Purchaser is not entitled to claim compensation exceeding the limit of five (5) percent specified in sub-clause 2a) for any delayed deliveries, including, without limitation, where the Seller is granted an extension.
  8. d) This does not apply to the extent that liability cannot be excluded in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
  9. e) This does not affect the Purchaser’s right to terminate the contract if the Seller has failed to deliver, despite having been granted an extension.
  10. If shipment is delayed at the request of the Purchaser, the Purchaser can be charged a storage fee. This fee shall amount to 0.5 percent of the value of the goods to be delivered for each full month, commencing one month after the goods are ready to be shipped. The total sum is limited to 5 percent of the value unless it can be proven that the Seller incurred greater costs.

5) Transfer of risk

  1. The risk of loss or deterioration of the delivered goods, including, without limitation, when it has been agreed that the Seller shall pay the costs of delivery, shall pass to the Purchaser as follows:
  2. a) When the crated or packaged goods in their final form have been dispatched or collected for shipment. The Seller shall exercise all due care and consideration when crating and packing the goods, which shall be shipped at the discretion of the Seller. On request, at the Purchaser’s cost, the shipment shall be insured against breakage, damage in transit and fire.
  3. b) If dispatch or shipment is delayed at the request of, or otherwise caused by, the Purchaser, the risk passes to the Purchaser from the start of the delay. However, the Seller is obliged to insure the goods as requested by the Purchaser, at the Purchaser’s cost.

6) Initial receipt of delivery

The Purchaser is obliged to initially receive all goods delivered or collected, notwithstanding any immaterial objections it may have. The Seller is entitled to deliver goods or carry out services in part.

7) Quality, warranties

  1. All goods delivered shall be of merchantable quality. The quality should accord with the plans and specifications of the Purchaser. The Seller shall perform all necessary quality assurance.
  2. The Seller is liable for defects, including (without limitation) omissions, as follows:
  3. a) The Seller undertakes to repair or at its own discretion replace free of charge all defective goods or services within 12 months, irrespective of service life. This shall date from the day when risk passes to the Purchaser, and applies only to defects present before the passing of risk. This applies in particular, without limitation, in the event of defective design, materials or manufacture that renders the goods unusable or substantially hinders their use. The Seller shall inform the Purchaser of any defects immediately and in writing.
  4. b) The Purchaser shall fulfill all its contractual obligations, in particular, without limitation, those relating to payment. The Purchaser may only withhold payment if its claim of defects is upheld and found to be beyond all reasonable doubt.
  5. c) The Purchaser shall give the Seller a reasonable period of time to rectify any defects. If the Purchaser does not do so, the Seller is released from its obligation.


  1. d) If the Seller does not rectify the defects within a reasonable period of additional time granted by the Purchaser, the latter may request that the contract be terminated or the price reduced.
  2. e) The Purchaser’s entitlement to rectification of defects expires 12 months after notice of defects is served. If the Seller and Purchaser are unable to reach agreement within this time, the parties may agree in writing to extend the limitation period.
  3. f) The Purchaser is not liable for damage incurred after the passing of risk, caused by fair wear and tear, incorrect, excessive or negligent use, or exposure to chemical or physical influences not contemplated by the contract.
  4. g) There shall be three (3) months‘ warranty on improvements and six (6) months‘ warranty on replacements. These warranties shall apply until the original warranty for the goods has expired.
  5. h) The specified warranty periods shall apply save to the extent that the law requires longer warranty periods.
  6. i) The Purchaser is not entitled to make any further claims against the Seller and its agents, in particular, without limitation, in terms of damages not directly incurred to the goods. This does not apply to the extent that liability cannot be excluded for willful misconduct, gross negligence, or the absence or omission of warranted properties.
  7. j) The Seller’s liability as per sub-clause 2 applies to claims made by the Purchaser in respect of its right to repair or replacement, (improvement, amendment or additional delivery) or compensation, arising from representations or advice provided within the scope of the contract or the breach of duties related to the contract.

8) Impossibility, rectification

  1. If the delivery of the goods or services becomes impossible for the Seller or Purchaser, relevant German law applies, subject to the following conditions:
  2. a) If the impossibility is the fault of the Seller, the Purchaser is entitled to claim compensation for damages. However, the Purchaser’s claim is limited to ten (10) percent of the value of the delivered goods, which cannot be put into operation due to the impossibility.
  3. b) The Purchaser is not entitled to make claims exceeding the specified limit of ten percent, unless the principle of good faith requires otherwise. To the extent that this is not reasonable from an economic perspective, the Seller is entitled to terminate the contract. If the Seller wishes to exercise this right, it is obliged to form the Purchaser promptly after discovering the extent of the payment, including when, without limitation, an extension of the delivery date has been agreed with the Purchaser.

9) Exclusion of liability

The Seller shall not be liable for any claims for compensation made by the Purchaser with regard to positive breach of contract, breach of duties during the contract negotiations or unauthorized conduct. This does not apply to the extent that liability cannot be excluded in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Seller and/or its agents. This limitation of liability also applies to the Purchaser.

10) Term of the contract

  1. A separate, yet to be concluded long-term delivery contract shall come into force on the first day of the calendar month following signature by the parties. From this point on, 12 calendar months represent a year for the purposes of the contract.
  2. The contract shall be concluded for the term of one year. If it is not terminated half a year before its expiry, the contract shall automatically be extended by one year; in the event of such an extension, the quantity to be delivered shall be the same as the previous year, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

11) Proper law

The venue for any and all disputes arising out of or in relation to this contract shall be the courts of the place of business of the Seller or its subsidiaries, at its sole discretion.

The contract shall be governed by German law.

12) Other

Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract. In this event, the parties shall agree to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that reflects the intent and spirit of the original provision as closely as possible.